On 16th March, Tuesday new year called Shobhan Navsamvat is beginning under Sagittarius sign as Lagna or ascendant. In the beginning of new year afflicted Rahu in lagna and Lord of lagna Jupiter in third house under Aquarius sign are transiting. Jupiter and Mars are under Shadashtaka Yoga, Saturn under Virgo sign, Sun, Mercury, Moon and Venus under Pisces sign, Mars under Cancer sign Ketu under Gemini sign are transiting. This year is showing significant impact on whole country. Developed and developing countries will be in competition of multiplying arms. Variations are indicated in political front, Establishment of new political socialist basis. Bitterness will creep in relations between India and neighboring countries. Placement of stars is reflecting ebb and flow in political front. Country will have to confront terrorism and violence. Encounter of epidemic and excessive rains, Indication of natural calamities, land slide and accidents. The lord of this year Mars and diplomat Mercury is reflecting riots, conflagration, conflictions and rise in prices of daily essentials. Due to Jupiter and Saturn under Shadashtak Yoga, Mars and Jupiter under Shadashtak Yoga, Mars and Rahu under Shadashtak Yoga, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn under Samsaptak Yoga are not indicating good signs in aspect of safety and security. Country may have to face immaterial troubles. But despite of troubles there is surplus of income sources and steady economic status, Conflictions between Government and opponents. Opponents will be fractional. Few constituents of Government will unite with opponents and create obstacles. Government will have to again contemplate over foreign policy, Lack of cooperation from foreign countries. Neighboring countries will tend to create disturbance and infiltration but they will defeat in their attempts. Neighboring countries will have to repent for their mistake. However it needs to stay alert on border line. This year is good for advancement of academics and education. More impact and success in technical and medical field, Industries will show elevated growth. Labor class people will show dissatisfaction. Productive rate will be high, Expansion of Business, Poor communication and policies with foreign countries, Growth and development in religious communalism, Promotion of casteism.
Government will fail to please associates. It can have a bad impact on growth of country. Elevated growth in business of export and import but few mischievous and mediator elements will cause negative impact on export and import. Government needs to pay attention.
This year is moderate. Significant growth will get influenced due to poor coalitions. Followed are the predictions for natives of twelve varied signs.
This year is fortunate and prosperous for natives of this sign in aspect of job and profession. Elimination of business obstacles, new business deals, for employed ones this year is fortunate, steady and sturdy economic status, well placed stars are indicating consistent success, In latter part of year confront of obstacles due to emotions of ego and obstinacy, avoid sluggishness and lethargy otherwise may miss good opportunities, Take advice of elders while making important decisions related to business or family, it may need special efforts to keep concordance in marital relations otherwise there will be plentiful support of spouse throughout the year but it needs to keep cordial relations. Despite of all fortunate happenings this year is not good from health aspect.
This year is more promising and successful in comparison to last year but due to evil effects of stars confront of ebb and flow especially in business aspect. Fluctuations in business till month of May, it may need hard work and efforts to gain significant results, New avenues of growth will be available after month of May, deals of partnership will meet expectations, recovery of loans, those who are employed their boss will be very much pleased by work, transfer to place of choice, chances for promotion and growth, this year is not fortunate from family aspect, difference of opinion and conflictions with spouse but it will not extend for long. Natives of this sign need to be cautious of health in latter part of the year. There are chances of accidents and injuries.
This year is moderate for natives of this sign. It needs hard work and efforts especially in business aspect. Cloud of obstacles in business front, conflictions with associates, slog and toil, immaterial mental distress, confront of troubles in first half of year, difficulties will stir up in financial matters therefore think well before spending money, extravagance of money can raise troubles, dissipation of worries and new income sources will be available after month of May, for employed ones results in this year will meet expectations, It needs special care and attention in business front. Think well before making money investments, stay away from property disputes, This year is not good from family aspect. Willingly also you will not be able to keep concordant family relations, bitter marital relations, health of father will cause worry.
This year is signing in with good news for natives of this sign. Lord Saturn is showering blessings on natives of this sign. Bubble of new inspiration and enthusiasm in business front, accomplishment of pending jobs, business expansion, steady business affiliations, new income sources, confront of obstacles in first part of year, restless and discontented state of mind but this time period will sustain for short duration, no need to worry, stars are in your favor, results will meet expectations, Jupiter in eighth house is indicating high expenses but on virtuous deeds, new job opportunities for unemployed, chances of promotion for employed ones, chances to get transferred to place of choice, this year is not indicating major problems in job and profession, bulge of new duties and responsibilities, influence and rights will increase at working place, expansion of income sources, name and fame in society, laid efforts and hard work will reap expected results and success.
This year is full of ups and downs for natives of this sign. Economic success will meet heights, high name and position in society, affiliations with dignitaries, each wish made and dreams seen in preceding years will come true and actualize in new year, steady economic status, new sources of income, strong chances of purchase of land or vehicle, remarkable success in business, Month July will bring outstanding results in business front. Enemies will defeat in their plot. This year is indicating good signs for employed ones. Affable communication skills will make them meet all heights of success. Many may advise you that you are running under transit period of Saturn, Jupiter is placed in eighth house. But both conjunction of planets is success giving. Lord Shani and Jupiter will protect and save you on every corner of life. On one hand there is boost of economic and personal valor other hand it needs to stay alert and warned in family matters. This year you may confront family disputes and conflictions.
This year is indicating mixed results for natives of this sign. On one hand there is dissipation of financial worries other hand Lord Jupiter will provide sufficient amount of income for fulfillment of daily needs. Cordial relations with friends, new sources of income, settlement of legal matters, confront of mental and social troubles, plentiful support of associates for employed ones, chances for promotion and salary hike, transfer to place of choice, those who are in business should make money investments after month of May, time period after month of May is auspicious for any changes in business and occupation, Months June, July and August are quite benedictory and success giving from business aspect, Months May and September needs special attention and care from health aspect.
This year is fortunate for natives of this sign. Business growth will meet all heights, business expansion will meet expectations, new vision and insight from business aspect, rectified economic status, swell in money reserves, new job opportunities, planetary position during this year is reflecting prosperity, bliss and harmony. Whole year will bring new energy, enthusiasm, vitality and freshness, promotion of social coalitions, amiable social relations will speed up business growth, Planets Rahu and Jupiter will bestow favorable results, for employed ones efforts will reap amiable results, chances for promotion and growth, prominence of prosperity and peace but abstain from flattery, Months May, June, October, November and December are benedictory from business aspect, these months are auspicious for making money investments, from health aspect this year is indicating ebb and flow, intake of intoxicating substances will bring harmful effects, this year may bring immaterial mental and physical distress.
This year is fortunate for natives of this sign. By the grace of Lord Shani and Jupiter natives of this sign will get new sources of income, steady economic status, new opportunities for business expansion, new business affiliations but due to retrograde Mars in the beginning of new year is indicating cloud of obstacles, placement of ketu is reflecting high money expenses, this year is fortunate for students from education aspect but first four months of year need extra efforts and hard work rest of the time period is favorable, keep concordant family relations.
This year is moderate for natives of this sign. Month May needs extra care and attention. From business aspect this year is fortunate, cooperation of family members will make success in business front, pending jobs will get easy access, elimination of business obstacles, after hard efforts you will be able to get sufficient sources of income, Month May is not feasible for making money investments, after month of May only business troubles will find solution, time period is auspicious for employed ones, new growth prospects, boost in courage and confidence, decisions taken by you will be appreciable, compatible relations with associates and govt. officials, Months April, July, August and November need extra care and attention in business front, time period after month of May is not auspicious for making money investments, First half of year is not amiable from family aspect but latter half year is fortune bringing from family aspect, blessings from parents, cordial relations with elders and youngsters, cease of difference of opinion with spouse, prosperity and peace at home.
This year is fortunate for natives of this sign. Retrograde Rahu is transiting in twelfth house due to which there is confront of obstacles in business, health and family front. Jupiter placed under Aquarius sign is indicating elimination of preceding problems, favorable changes in business, money investments in business will thrive, new business affiliations, new income sources, steady economic status, time period is fortunate from aspect of job and profession, new avenues for success and growth, mount of new responsibilities, boost in courage and valor, gain of honor and position, wishes will come true, new achievements.
This year is indicating ups and downs for natives of this sign, Time period up till 30th May is not auspicious, avoid money investments till month of May and stay vigilant towards business front, any changes in business and occupation is not advised, expenses may exceed earnings, improved time period after month of May, efforts will reap success, sufficient sources of income, financial straits therefore think well before expenditure, avoid business expansion or changes without advice of elders, stay vigilant while financial transactions, If you are running business stocks or shares you may get deceived, time period is fortunate for employed ones, time period is favorable from aspect of job and profession, settlement of legal matters, boss will be pleased by work, solution to official troubles, efforts will reap success, minor efforts will bring major success in job front.
This year is moderate for natives of this sign. Efforts laid in business front will reap success, fulfillment of family needs, If major gains are not seen in one hand than on other hand major losses are also not foreseen. Time period between January and July is favorable from financial aspect but avoid any changes in business, abstain from money lending or borrowing, pay all attention on current business and occupation, don’t rely on others, refrain from money investment, ups and downs are foreseen in job and profession, uneven results in job and profession, stay alert and vigilant while making any changes in job and profession because expectations may not turn true, if you wish can undertake foreign travel related to job or profession, success is assured but stay vigilant towards maintaining documents and ledgers, trusted friend can deceive, rest of the time period is fortunate.
The Official Blog of Shree Siddh Shakti Peeth Shanidham,Shree Shani Tirth Kshetra, Asola,Fatehpur Beri, Mehrauli, New Delhi-74 www.shanidham.org, www.facebook,com/shreeshanidham
शनि अमावस्या का महत्व
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