Shows the path to the lost one’s, teaches to follow the path, helps to access through difficulties still we don’t learn about GRACE OF GURU then we are at fault !
u HkVduk tkuus esa xq# ds fujkys
Don’t try to learn means and ways of Guru when, how and why? You just learn to open your alms bags, when Guru showers bountiful of grace!
dc vk tk;s ] dgka vk tk;s] dSls vk tk;s] fdldks gS irk \
tks igpku tk;s ekuks rj tk;s A
When does appear, where does appear, how does appear? No one is aware of! Those who identify understand the presence of supreme divine.
We are the part of universal supreme ‘THE DIVINE LIGHT’ which is dispersed in each entity of universe.
ü To learn and know more about read book written by Guruji :
[kqyk vkea=.k ] An awakening Call to Eternal Bliss