The Official Blog of Shree Siddh Shakti Peeth Shanidham,Shree Shani Tirth Kshetra, Asola,Fatehpur Beri, Mehrauli, New Delhi-74, www.facebook,com/shreeshanidham
Monday, 20 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Pacify Lord Shani
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| Lit a lamp (Deepak) at Pipal tree in the evening and circumambulate around the tree for seven times. After this offer seven ladoos to a black dog. Doing so, Lord Shani grants the positive results. | ||
| Even Shani is pacified by offering black desi grams to a black buffalo or a horse, on any Saturday. | ||
| Lord Shani can be pacified through the herbs and the roots too. On any Saturday, when ‘Pushya’ constellation is prevailing, one should put on the root of Bichuva Buti or Shami (Chhokar) over his upper right arm after having tied it in black thread. It turns down the malefic effects of Lord Shani. | ||
| Go and search the horse’s shoe and get it made into a ring from the blacksmith on any Saturday. Put it in the clean water or dip it into the unboiled milk on Friday night. On Saturday morning put it in the middle finger of your left hand. It gives instant results. | ||
| A person suffering from the troubles relating to SadheSatti should keep fasting on every Saturday for getting rid of such troubles. After worshipping Lord Shani, he should break his fast in the evening, after sun set. The Pooja Samagri used for worshipping Lord Hanuman are - Vermilion, black sesame oil, deepak and the red flower. | ||
| On Saturday fill the oil in the iron pot, putting seven pieces of black grams, seven pieces of barley, seven pieces of black urad into it and also putting Dakshina (Cash) over it. Looking your face into it, give the alms to a ‘Dakote’ or go and put it in the Shani Temple. This is applicable and result oriented, if performed before 11:00 AM only. | ||
| To nullify the adverse effects of ‘Sadhesatti’, one should take a bath putting aniseeds, i.e. the seeds of symploce racemose, poppy seeds, creosode, collyrium, the black sesame, mastic (gum arebic), 'shatkusum'; the parched rice in the water. It nullifies the malefic effects of Shani. | ||
A Mantra is a religious or mystical syllable or poem, typically from the Sanskrit language. Their use varies according to the school and philosophy associated with the mantra. They are primarily used as spiritual conduits, words or vibrations that instil one-pointed concentration in the devotee. Other purposes have included religious ceremonies to accumulate wealth, avoid danger, or eliminate enemies. Mantras originated in the Vedic religion of India, later becoming an essential part of the Hindu tradition and a customary practice within Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. The use of mantras is now widespread throughout various spiritual movements, which are based on, or off-shoots of, the practices in the Hinduism. |
Delhi, the national capital of India is also known for Shree Shani Dham Temple, with the highest Statue of Lord Shani in the world. This temple which is about 8-9 Km away from Mehrauli is situated at Asola, Fatehpur Beri, is equipped with the natural Rock Idol of Lord Shani, as the chief deity. Apart from this, the other fabricated idols are also established since long..
The pious site of Shree Shani Dham, Asola, Fatehpur Beri is divided into two parts the eastern and the western. Herein, apart from the highest of Shani Idol, the attractive endowed statues of other gods and goddesses are also erected. By worshipping through these statues, the devotees get their desires fulfilled. Apart from this, there is a big library and a research center, in the Ashram Premises itself wherein many a learned men keep on making research over Lord Shani as well as over other religious view points. Here, all sort of questions related to astrology, Ayurved, Yoga and the Tantra are being answered. Rather Sage Rajasthani ji himself remains available all the times in order to answer such questions to the curious devotees. He also suggests remedial measures thereof.
First of all, I would like to tell you about the eastern part of Shani Dham. On the top of it, the eight metalled largest radiant Shani idol has been erected. This Idol attracts the visitors from far away. The main door of this eastern part falls in the west side. The ‘Vastu’ of this part makes a visitor wonder struck for few moments. As soon as one enters into the main door, he prospects the huge radiate idol of Lord Shani and the Shani rock too. On North and south, both sides there are Shani statues erected, wherein Shani Maharaj ji is riding over his various rides. Prospecting these beautiful radiant Statues of Lord Shani, the visitor is strongly attracted and remains undone. On the left and the right sides of Shani Shila (Rock) the Statues of Bhairav Dev are established. Prospecting these statues the visitors get deprived of their sins, committed by them since the long-long births.
Those who visit the temple for the worship of Lord Shani, they Should enchant the Mantra ‘Om Sham Shanishcharaya Nameh’, ‘Om Pram Preem Prom Se Shanishcharaya Nameh’, ‘Om Sham Shanishcharaya Nameh’ or the plasm (Strotra) by King Dashratha, while circumambulating the ‘Shila Murty’. Thereafter they should offer Poojan Samagri (Pooja Material) at the Statue of Lord Shani. Keeping in view to the convenience of the devotees visiting Shree Shani Dham and maintaining the purity and cleanliness, as also keeping in view, the security norms, under the present changing circumstances Pujan Samagari for Worshipping Lord Shani is made available in the premises of Ashram itself. All of you are requested that any Samagri brought from outside the temple premises should not be taken inside. Please co-operate us to maintain the discipline. Get a Pooja Thali from the room near by, taking these offerings go to the Prime ‘Shani Pratima’ and put each material in the relevant pot meant for this. ‘Swallow-Wort’ (Aak) leaf and Shani yantra be offered at the feet of Lord Shani. Now come down at Shani Shila and lit the lamp and offer ‘dhoop’ also. Besides this, circumambulate Shani Shila for eight times. Black grams, weighing one and a quarter of Kilo must be dipped into water, on the Friday night. After cooking them well and putting salt, chilies and oil over it, these grams may be distributed throughout your way from home to temple. It makes Lord Shani pleased and the devotee gets rid of all his troubles.
In the east side of ‘Shani Shila’, is a big hall, wherein symbolic idols of the twelve 'Jyotirlings' are established. On the top of this hall, the huge eight metals statue of Lord Shani is posted. All the devotees get their desired wishes fulfilled, prospecting Shani Shila and Statue posted in the temple premises. On the eastern side of this hall, arrangements are made to provide “Pujan Samagri”. For security reasons as also to facilitate the devotees such an arrangements have been made. In another room, rare astrological books and material for Shani poojan is made available. Books and magazines published by Shani Dham on various occult sciences are also made available for sale. Near the main gate, there is an enquiry office, reception office and the publication department.
Special Rituals to be performed on ‘SHANI AMAVASYA’ and The Adoration to Lord Shani
No one coming to Shani Dham with great hopes, ever goes disappointed because the statue of the datti (Lord Shani) has been established here, after enchanting of one crore and thirty two lacs of Mantras. |
Our ancient sages have very clearly declared that propagation of wealth, prosperity the honour and regard as well as knowledge is caused through the grace of gods and the Saints. However, recovery to diseases and the propagation of progeny can be attained by the grace of the manes (deified ancestors). One can attain only such things through worshipping and adoration of the gods & saints, which are under their jurisdiction. |
Man attains the contentment of good health and nourishment as well as propagation of progeny with the grace & blessings of his manes. At certain places, you find such stories in our ancient religious books regarding obtaining the hirer (propagation of progeny) by the grace of some saint, even that can’t be called an exception to this rule. When we reflect upon such cases where they could get a hirer by the grace of some saint or an ascetic person, we come to know that even their manes were also pleased with them, yet they had been deprived of child. Having a diseased child is not because of ‘Pitra Dosh’ but due to some other misdeed of their per-birth. When they succeeded in getting the grace of gods and saints through their worship and adoration to them, having undergone the penance, they could overcome the result of their misdeeds of the pre births. |
It is to be mentioned here that whosoever suffers ‘Pitra Dosh’ i.e. anguish of his manes, he can’t avoid performing such rituals, as, to please the gods and the saints, he certainly happens to perform such rituals as may please them. To pacify the anguish of his manes, many remedies have been mentioned in our Epics. In olden days, people generally used to worship gods and gratify their deified ancestors everyday during the dark fortnight of Ashwani month. Mostly people perform rituals for the gratification of their manes (pittar) annually. Despite this, those who suffer ‘Pitra Dosh’ they have to perform special rituals to pacify their manes (deified ancestors). |
4 मई 2019 शनि अमावस्या महोत्सव आओ चले श्री शनिधाम, असोला, फह्तेपुर बैरी, छत्तरपुर, नई दिल्ली 110074
Aries: FOR ENHANCING BUSINESS GROWTH Light Deepak of mustard oil at your place of worship. Recite each shani chalisa and Hanuman chalisa fo...
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